Évaluation de LetsDoeIt 9.50

Review: 29 novembre 2018, reviewer Steve
77 vues
This is LETSDOEIT formerly known as PornDoe Premium which decided to re-brand their name. Never heard of them? Well you're about to wonder how that can possibly be the case when you see everything they have to offer. 43 different sites from across the world featuring a cosmopolitan array of stars and action. It's all exclusively produced and packaged into one of the very best porn networks around right now. Simply put, you definitely want to have heard of this site!

The navigation on this network is quite outstanding, whether you choose to view content in individual sites or via the expanded network. Update information is excellent, there are great descriptions on all galleries and videos, and the general interface is easy to use. The models' index is also very good plus the general design of it all is very good indeed.

Generally, on networks that have been going for a while, you find the older videos are only available in lower definition - but that's not the case here. All videos have the same viewing options for streaming and downloading, right up to 1080px. Similarly, the photo galleries also have the same options across the board, it's all very impressive indeed.

It is fair to say that I'm a massive fan of LetsDoeIt.com. I really do think this is one of the very best networks around. It's not just the quality of the content, which is consistently as good as anything around, but the tone and variety of their sites. Go through their portfolio and you will see an array of different ideas, not just a big selection of genres. They have taken a whole host of niches and liberally sprinkled some neat ideas over pretty much all of them.

This network is perhaps best known for its Latina content. Sites like Chicas Loca and Carne del Mercado have been extremely popular and successful for them, and understandably so as they are both excellent. However, it's the glamorous hardcore site The White Boxxx which is currently their most popular, a European site stuffed with stunning Continental performers.

Across it all though, there's a feeling that everyone is really enjoying what they're doing. There's a real positivity and sense of fun to all the sites and videos that I see here, because porn should be fun, after all! Honestly, there are almost too many positives that I can think of for this network.

Amount of content: 2,697 videos and 2,697 photo sets
Update frequency: 4 to 7 videos per week and 4 to 7 photo sets per week
Exclusive content: Yes
Max video resolution: 1920x1080px (HD)
Video types: MP4 (stream and download)
Photo resolution: 1920x1080px
Available for mobile: Yes


LETSDOEIT.com is one of those rare occasions where trying to pick out a negative has proved to be a fruitless task. This truly is a sparkling network on which almost every single one of their many sites shine in their own right. It's constantly entertaining and always coming up with fresh ideas for shoots and sites, great value for money, and just a joy to spend some time with. Just brilliant.
Visitez le site LETSDOEIT