‘Brunette Beauty’ Addicted To Porn

23. November 2015, von Steve


Photo courtesy of The Mirror

This story in the UK newspaper The Mirror about a British woman who has admitted to a 7 year long ‘addiction’ to porn is an odd one in quite a few ways.

You can see why they’ve gone with it. It’s an opportunity to do this story because it features an attractive woman. If it had been about a guy who looked like, well, me, then they wouldn’t have cared a jot. (rentalsfloridakeys.com) “But hey! She’s hot! Let’s do this!”

Secondly, let’s not do this ‘porn addiction’ thing because this has been debunked so frequently now but not surprising that a crap UK tabloid has gone for the sensationalism.

Finally, and perhaps most notably, it claims “recent figures suggest that nearly two million women in the UK are battling similar addictions.” Two million? Yeah, I think we’re going to be needing to see those figures because that, guys, is fucking bullshit. Feel free to prove me wrong though!

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