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Canada isn't looking too hot these days...


I'm a porn expert.
Big enough to make front page wikipedia news, as well as coverage across the world:

Second suspect in deadly Canada stabbing spree is apprehended

Jury's still out on whether the brother was killed by his brother/co-accused, or was killed by one of the victims in self-defense. I really hope it was the latter.
But the one they caught alive had 59 previous convictions, was granted release in February, and by May, he was being sought by officials for violating the terms of his release. Makes you wonder why police weren't more vigilant in finding him. Did they just think he wasn't going to be a danger to the public?
Case in point, and sadly, court records indicate that seven years ago the accused attacked and stabbed one of the victims who was killed this weekend. I hope the family sues the parole board because clearly he should not have been released.
I think these things show why 2nd amendment rights are so important and why everyone should carry a gun for the simple fact that you'll be in a better position to defend yourself and those around you...this fake sense of security the government is selling the public worldwide is a proven fraud everytime people kill other people...just looked up this incident and the news is reporting that both suspects are dead and that the community can breathe a sigh of relief and can unlock their doors again and go outside...well that's exactly the same dumb false sense of security the government wants everyone to believe even though nobody can prevent people killing people ever so the government should just get out of the way of those who want to defend themselves the same way the government is allowed to defend themselves - is that too much to ask...?

Also, the media reporting about all the prior convictions these two had are really a red herring because all of those convictions are minor offences with only one conviction resulting in federal jail time...I think most people in the world have to realize that anything short of murder does not warrant life sentences not should that ever change because jailing people forever solves nothing and in fact makes jail culture worse as we've seen here in America because violence breeds violence even when it's government sanctioned violence...

Lastly, the National Geographic did an article about jails being the new residential schools...for anyone not understanding what they meant it's that the jail environment that is teaching prisoners to be worse than what they were before being imprisoned and the majority of prisoners are not rehabilitated but and instead being groomed to be worse.

I think the history of civilisation and of jails just shows that this trend will just keep getting worse despite governments trying to justify more tax dollars to fight the never ending war on crime.


I'm a porn expert.
I’m not neutral. Those guys were a couple of bums.
Yeah those guys are pieces of shit but it's not like anyone could have predicted this just like nobody can predict any of the other scum from doing the same...that's why people have to take responsibility for their own self defence and stop thinking that the government can protect you better than you can protect yourselves...


I'm a porn expert.
Like father, like son...

Not 'fuddle-duddle:' Conservatives accuse Trudeau of swearing in Parliament

Quick history lesson: Justin's father famously dropped the F-Bomb when he was PM, but when questioned about it, he stated he said "Fuddle-duddle"

I think the closest joe has come is calling a reporter a "son of a bitch", and that was only because he didn't know his mic was on.
...hmmm...swearing at other politicians...? I think that's more of a pro instead of a con...


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
What? Canada ... no good?

Here's something that will make you change your mind.




.... My work is done here.
Last edited:

Concrete Cock

Never Trust A Babyface
Yeah those guys are pieces of shit but it's not like anyone could have predicted this just like nobody can predict any of the other scum from doing the same...that's why people have to take responsibility for their own self defence and stop thinking that the government can protect you better than you can protect yourselves...

Heck yeah. Agreed. Communication with your neighbors is very important too. Have open and honest dialogue about neighborhood security allowing time for everyone to present their concerns so you all work together.


I changed my middle-name to Freeones
Justin Trudeau's team defends singing Bohemian Rhapsody before Queen's funeral

The Queen was Canada's head of state, and Mr Trudeau designated 19 September a national day of mourning in Canada.
In a video shared on social media, the prime minister can be seen singing Bohemian Rhapsody by the British rock band, Queen.
The spokesperson pointed out "the prime minister has taken part in various activities to pay his respects for the Queen".

I think this sums it up:
"I don't think that Justin Trudeau singing Bohemian Rhapsody was disrespectful to the Queen But I know enough about karaoke to assume it was disrespectful to Queen."

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
The way they're treating truck drives in some U.S. states if fucked up to. Seems to me, they all need to get together, and show these loud mouth, non trailer backing, can't drive a stick shift politicians, that if they eat it, or whip their ass with it, it got there on a truck.

We need another Hoffa.


I changed my middle-name to Freeones

'Misgendering' incident plunges Green Party of Canada into renewed turmoil​


"In a Zoom appearance to kick off the party’s leadership contest, Interim Leader Amita Kuttner was identified by 'she/elle' pronouns instead of 'they/them'
In a subsequent statement, Kuttner slammed the “misgendering,” saying the incident “made me feel hurt and isolated” and hinted that it was “reflective of a larger pattern of behaviours that a few in the party are perpetuating.”

Green Party President Lorraine Rekmans was the first to resign. A volunteer who estimated that she has worked 40-hour weeks for the past year on party business, Rekmans implied in a Saturday resignation letter that leadership candidates were subtly blaming her for the “she/elle” mistake.

“I was surprised that the contestants would use (the Sept. 3 media event) to attack the Party they were running to lead,”

The "woke" candidates are literally destroying their own party over honest mistakes.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Sounds like Godzilla's coming for a Christmas visit.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I would love to walk out in the middle of my driveway, while the neighbors all shovel, and fire up a flame thrower, and melt it all down to dry pavement, as the watch slack jawed. in dis belief.

Until the Feds show up, anyway.